
Coming Soon...

... website redesign at www.khollystudios.com! My new website design will be launched sometime this week! It will be easier to navigate and have more information, and well, it's cuter! Most importantly though, it will have a much-improved client area. As a client you will have your own sub-site with access to your proofing galleries and online ordering with a shopping cart. I've been testing it out, and it seems to work fabulously!

Current clients: if you haven't placed orders from your proofing galleries yet, don't worry - they won't be lost! I'm uploading your galleries to the new website. You will have the same password, but it'll look a little different once you're in. Definitely a change for the better! What else is really great about it is that if you have family members or friends who want to order prints, you can all order separately on your own. Definitely makes your life easier not having to coordinate!

Past clients: If you have already placed your orders, I will not be uploading your gallery to the new site.... unless you want me to :) Just let me know, and I'll re-upload your gallery temporarily.

Woohoo! :) - Kristen

1 Comments - Leave a little love!:

Spark Creative Photography said...

Your new website IS pretty! :)